6 Practical Ways To Show Love To New Mothers On Mother’s Day

6 Practical Ways To Show Love To New Mothers On Mother’s Day

Mother's Day – a special day for mothers worldwide. But this day holds a special meaning for pregnant mothers as they prepare for a whole new season ahead. 

If you are going to be a father soon, Mother's Day can be a great reason to lavish love and pamper the future mother of your kids. Be it planning a whole day of special activities, bringing her out for good food or doing something personal – there are many ways to show her your appreciation.

If that is your goal for Mother's Day this year, we're here to share some of the 7 most fun and easiest ways you can show your significant other your love.

Bring her fresh or pressed flowers

They say diamonds are a girl's best friend, but we say so too are beautiful flowers and some love. A gorgeous bouquet of fresh blooms or pressed dried flowers don't just brighten up the space they spend most of their time in; the fragrant floral scent can also lift up their moods. So choose some of her favourite blooms, or don't be afraid to ask your florist for some popular picks if you're new to this. Want to go the extra mile still? You can also get her different small bouquets or small individual arrangements to give her a surprise over a couple of days!

Take time off and stay by her side

What is your love language? There are different ones like gift-giving, words of affirmation and physical touch but small things like spending time can also make a normal day special. It may be easy if you're working from home, but you can also take a day's leave to surprise your significant other at home. Sleep in with her, hug her, give her a massage – there are so many things you can do, and your presence will make the biggest difference.

Treat her to a spa day at home

It's always been the norm to bring someone out to the spa. But why not maximise convenience and comfort and bring the spa to her? Scented candles, bath bombs, warm fluffy towels, and comfortable bathrobes – it takes a little bit of effort but it will definitely make her day. You can even think of adding small touches like getting exfoliating scrubs, adding rose petals to the bathtubs, and utilising essential oils. End the special day with a gentle massage to relax her tense muscles and ease her aches and pains or simply ease her into a long, soothing nap. 

Create a special slide show or video of the greatest moments you had with her

Nothing is more special than all the special moments you've had before. Videos are a recollection of memories – as personal and intimate a gift you can give to someone. Make your wife laugh and cry with a slide show or video of your most memorable moments together. This might need some effort, though, so be sure to deliberately record as many special moments as you can. From before you got together, proposals, special dates, the moment you found out you were both expecting a child to the gender reveal party. There are so many momentous events that you can include to bring a smile to her face.

Prepare and cook her some of her favourite meals

Imagine getting hungry and finding out your partner has prepared your favourite food. If that is not love, I don't know what is. But it will take some preparation as you figure out what's not just delicious but also nutritious for her. Stay away from spicy and raw foods but move towards food with lots of nutrients. Preparing your dishes with fortifying supplements is an easy way of getting the required nutrition daily.

A common recipe would be steaming or slow cooking chicken with herbs and traditional essence of chicken to create a savoury and nutritious dish. Drip chicken essence is known to bring a whole host of benefits to a pregnancy diet. Not only is it easy to prepare, it also tastes great and can be enjoyed by the whole family. Thinking to cook something even more nutritious? Substitute regular chicken with black chicken as it contains 8 of the 18 essential amino acids required by the human body. It is also extra tender and has a better taste to make a dish fit for a special occasion!

Write her a handwritten letter

Words are more than just a passing statement; they can be us showing our appreciation of who our partner is to us. We don't need big words, complicated poetry or philosophically complicated. Genuine, heartfelt, thoughtful and appreciative – that's all we need to write something meaningful for our other half. Let them know how much you love, cherish and appreciate them today.


Whatever you do, the most important thing to keep in mind is that it should be about her. Customise your plans to what her favourite love language or deepest desires are. Go all out to make her feel like she's the princess of the day.

If you’re still looking for something to get for your wife or a friend you know is having their child soon, we have specially created a Mother’s Day Special gift package. With our Singaporean traditional essence of chicken and preserved flowers that add a personal touch, we are sure that the new mother will appreciate a practical and beautiful gift that they can make use of.

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